Advance 你的职业生涯与组织领导学士学位

想要获得职业发展所需的学位证书? 在正规博彩十大网站, we offer an accelerated degree completion program that makes earning a bachelor’s degree achievable for working professionals.

Our Organizational Leadership degree is a career-focused program for professionals with some college credit interested in earning their BS. You can take advantage of our accessible hybrid format and low tuition to go back to school in a way that works for you.

你将能够在短短20个月内完成你的组织领导学位, 每门课程都是8周的速成课程, 所以你可以尽快看到你的学习结果.


The courses you’ll take for your 组织的领导 major are designed to be applicable to nearly any leadership position in nearly any field. Plus, you can choose a special 刑事司法专业 to advance a career in law enforcement or social services.

完善你的人事管理技能, communications, 商业决策等等, 开始你通往更充实、收入更高的职业之路





组织领导力学士学位课程是为您已经繁忙的日程安排而设计的. 它是为已经修完一些大学学分的在职专业人士量身定制的, 因此,你将能够在以下帮助下获得学士学位:


课程在每八周的学期开始和结束时进行面对面的交流, 而类的其余部分是异步在线交付的. 面对面的课堂会议有助于培养你与老师和同学之间的联系, 而主要的在线格式提供了灵活性, 允许你维持你的工作并履行你的其他义务. 速成学位在八周内完成, 这意味着你可以在短短20个月内完成你的组织领导学位!


Tuition for our accelerated degree completion programs is approximately 50 percent lower than standard Pacific tuition. 完成学位的学生也可以获得奖学金, 这使得组织领导力课程非常实惠.


培养经理需要的技能, including communication, professional writing, 项目管理和组织领导. These skills are used daily in the professional world and put you on track for exciting career advancements.

Why Degree Completion?

Learn more about our students and why those chose to earn their Bachelors in Organizational Leadership.

Program Testimonial
Jennifer Juanitas

“The Organizational Leadership degree completion program made it possible for me to get my degree while also working and taking care of my family. 我非常感激这个项目能够提供给我. 多亏了这个项目,我才能在太平洋的OLLI得到一份梦寐以求的工作.”

——jennifer Juanitas, 2018年组织领导学学士




组织领导专业可以帮助你掌握成为一名强有力的领导者所必需的能力, 几乎所有专业环境中的项目经理或管理员. Graduates of the Organizational Leadership program can pursue promotions in their current work environments or use their newfound credentials to apply to new, 在他们的领域有更高收入的工作.


We also offer a 刑事司法专业 我们的组织领导学位. 这种集中是一个伟大的适合任何人追求职业发展的执法, social services, legal support and more.

Reports show that criminal justice professionals with a bachelor’s degree have higher earning potential — for example, 在加州75%的执法机构中, 拥有学士学位的军官工资更高.


Courses for the Organizational Leadership bachelor’s degree are completed with a cohort in a predetermined sequence, 所以你永远不用担心能否进入你需要的课程.

The Organizational Leadership major includes a broad range of courses that cover a variety of essential professional skills. Some examples are:

  • 组织管理与领导
  • 收益、成本和决策
  • 组织社会心理学
  • Professional Ethics
  • 高级专业写作


ORGL 100. 组织领导导论. 3 units. This course is an introduction to 组织的领导 focusing on what it means to be a good leader. 重点放在领导能力的实践上. 本课程将探讨领导力的本质, 以及领导技巧的介绍, 该计划将涵盖的概念和伦理. 学生们还将接受数字信息素养技能的培训,包括查找, 评估和适当地使用资源和数据.

BCPS 130. 专业的沟通. 3 units. This course is designed to help students become more effective communicators in professional and business settings. 它涵盖了在工作环境和现代社会中沟通所必需的技能. 先决条件:报名参加经批准的贝纳德学院学位完成课程.

ORGL 103. 组织管理与领导. 3 units. 本课程以领导力和管理为重点,全面、综合、实用. It is based upon a framework that analyzes leadership and management at different levels: individual leadership, team leadership, 组织领导力. 本课程还侧重于作为管理者/领导者的基本技能发展.

ORGL 135. 公共关系:市场营销原理. 3 units. 本课程的目的是增加对公共关系领域的理解. 重点放在营销理论和实践, 组织中的功能, 以及公关在社会中的角色.


BCPS123. 收益、成本和决策. 3 units. 本课程探讨决策是如何做出的. The economic framework of rational choice theory---taking action as long as benefits outweigh costs---is used as a starting point for analyzing decision-making behavior of individuals, firms and governments. We consider how costs and benefits are measured and how to evaluate the validity of information and data used in assessing them. 引入基本的博弈论模型来解释战略决策. 理性选择理论的局限性也与行为经济学的见解有关. 先决条件:报名参加经批准的贝纳德学院学位完成课程.

ORGL 143. 调解及冲突管理. 3 units. Conflict is inevitable, 但它并不一定会削弱个人和组织/社会系统. This course explores the theory and practice of dispute resolution using interest-based mediation and negotiation techniques. 学生对调解和谈判策略有了广泛的了解, 学习能让你更成功地处理冲突的技能, 并培养对调解过程的信心,将其作为解决人际矛盾的有效手段, organizational, and community disputes.

BCPS 120. 论证与说服. 3 units. This course is intended to help students become more competent at making persuasive arguments and identifying weakness in arguments in a professional context. Students will be introduced to critical issues and topics for persuasive argumentation including decision making, genres, logos, pathos, and ethos. 先决条件:报名参加经批准的贝纳德学院学位完成课程.

ORGL 105. 组织社会心理学. 3 units. Students study the sociological way in which the structure of organizations impinge upon the lives of individuals. 将特别注意动机的结构决定因素, opportunity, 组织内部的权力和参与. 组织文化(角色和形象), 组织变革的过程, and the recent efforts to improve the quality of work life and productivity in organizations is examined.

ORGL 145. 人力资源问题. 3 units. 本课程探讨了任何组织中人力资源领域所面临的问题和挑战. 重点放在吸引和留住合格的,有能力的员工的挑战. 组织变革及其对员工动机和绩效的影响也被解决.


UCAD 110. 会计和财务报表分析. 3 units. This course focuses on the accounting elements that are presented in each of the financial statements and how the financial statements are analyzed using the liquidity, solvency, 盈利能力比率. 重点放在使用会计作为工具,以协助管理人员在决策过程中. 本课程也提供了一个简要介绍的总预算过程. 先决条件:报名参加经批准的贝纳德学院学位完成课程.

ORGL 145. 人力资源问题. 3 units. 本课程探讨了任何组织中人力资源领域所面临的问题和挑战. 重点放在吸引和留住合格的,有能力的员工的挑战. 组织变革及其对员工动机和绩效的影响也被解决.

ORGL 139. 组织沟通. 3 units. This course provides an overview of some of the most important theories and research in the area of organizational communication. 学生将学习沟通在许多组织环境中的重要作用, 并培养运用组织沟通理论概念的技能, 以及诊断的视角, prevent, 解决组织问题.

PACS 003. What is an Ethical Life? 3 units. 大四的时候,学生们要参加太平洋研讨会3:什么是道德生活? This course is a culminating general education experience and the final component of the university writing requirement. Students learn about and analyze ethical concepts and theories to understand better their moral development, moral values, and behavior. 学生将在家庭、朋友、工作和政治生活的背景下分析道德问题. 教师使用叙事媒体-如电影,传记和文学-来说明伦理问题. Students write an ethical autobiography to reflect back on their ethical development and anticipate ethical decisions they may encounter in their future roles as family members and friends, 作为劳动力的一部分, 作为当地的公民和成员, national, and global communities. Senior Standing.


BCPS150. 高级专业写作. 3 units. 本课程将帮助学生写得更清楚, concisely, 并且对专业背景下的特定受众具有说服力. 学生将学会识别听众的需求, 确定要包含哪些信息以及如何包含, 并组织一份文件来回答问题, 解决问题或以其他方式有效地满足给定受众和上下文的需求. 先决条件:报名参加经批准的贝纳德学院学位完成课程.

UCAD 165. 项目管理:应用理论与实践. 3 units. 本课程发展了支持规划的概念和解决方案的基础, scheduling, controlling, resources allocation, 以及成功完成项目所需的绩效度量活动. 另外还要考虑到项目生命周期, Gantt charting, 执行和实现策略, risk management, budgeting, 影响力和团队领导能力.

ORGL 175. 研究方法:定量与定性. 3 units. 本课程的目的是向学生介绍传播学研究的基础知识. 特别强调的是理解研究过程的“逻辑”. 学生发展研究设计的技能, 数据收集和分析, 并学习如何运用定量和定性研究方法来解决问题. 本课程也帮助学生了解伦理在传播研究中的作用.

ORGL 180. 领导力:文化与挑战. 3 units. This course focuses on how leadership skills students have developed throughout the program can be applied to have meaningful and positive impact on organizations, communities, or societies. 该课程着眼于模范领导者和当代领导力挑战, 特别考虑有效领导的道德方面. 重点是将实际的领导技能与真实性等品质结合起来, integrity, and emotional intelligence to effectively address challenges in a variety of settings including and beyond the workplace.


ORGL 176. Applied Research. 3 units. The purpose of this course is to help the student synthesize and integrate the learning experiences acquired in organizational behavior studies and evaluate the research and current topics relative to major emphasis areas. 学生们要做一篇文献综述, analyze data, 撰写实证报告, 举办培训和研讨会, 以及目前的研究成果.

ORGL 199. 组织领导力顶点. 3 units. This course is designed to help students integrate their academic study of 组织的领导 and their leadership experience in various organizational settings to prepare them for successfully and productively applying the skills and knowledge they have developed in the program, 在他们的职业生涯和社区. 学生将综合各种观点, 概念和方法, to research and analyze an 组织的领导 issue or a problem and propose appropriate approaches or solutions


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